Last Updated 30th July 2020
Here are some of the most common questions regarding the current situation and the answers to each of them:
Current orders
I already have a new order placed – how will the delivery be affected?
Current deliveries are now gradually getting back to normal. Some vehicle deliveries may still be delayed due to the problems earlier in the year however we will be in touch with you to arrange delivery of your vehicle as soon as it becomes available. All deliveries are now performed with a contactless handover procedure. Car manufacturers have resumed production of their vehicles however there may still be backlogs with some of them.
What happens with my current vehicle?
If you have a TCH Salsa vehicle and your new one is on order, you are free to use it until such time as we can deliver your new one. Your monthly deduction by your employer will not change and you will get a pro rata increase in your mileage allowance.
The insurance on your current vehicle is automatically extended for up to 6 months depending on how quickly we can get your new car to you.
New orders
Can I still place an order for a new car?
Yes, our website has always been able to produce quotations from which you may commence the ordering process. Manual quotes will still be available on any vehicle where the website states ‘Live quote unavailable’ – just email salarysacrifice@tchleasing.co.uk with the specification of the vehicle you require and we will do the rest!
We are in continuous contact with all our network vehicle dealerships and manufacturers and the supply situation improves daily and we will endeavour to get the most accurate information on delivery estimates for you at all times.
I already have a TCH Salsa vehicle
What happens if I have a vehicle and I am still furloughed and temporarily on a reduced salary – can my payments be suspended?
As the deductions for your vehicle come from your salary you should contact your employer regarding this. As you are getting continued use of the vehicle, even under the current restrictions, your employer will still be paying for it.
However – if, as a result of restricted use of the vehicle, your actual mileage covered is projected to be a lot less than the contracted mileage, then at a later date, on request, it may be possible for us to recalculate and lower your monthly deductions. We will only know what mileage to base any re-calculation on once this period of restricted use has passed.
Is there any change to the services available to keep my car running?
Car servicing & Tyre replacements should now be available at your preferred service provider as normal. If you need to book your car in for a service, then please contact us in the usual way by calling TCH Assist on 0333 800 1451 and we will speak to you about your options and book a service for you if you wish.
More information can be found here - http://www.tchsalsa.co.uk/driver-support
What happens if my car breaks down?
Our current provider, the AA will attend breakdowns in the normal manner. Again, refer to the TCH Salsa Driver Guide which is downloadable from the web page link shown above.
What about MOT’s?
The Government has announced that any vehicle currently requiring an MOT will not have to have this carried out for up to 6 months beyond its due date. However as soon as MOTs become more readily available please contact us to arrange this.
What if I have an accident?
If you are involved in an accident in your vehicle then please follow the normal process by calling TCH Assist as stated in the driver guide.
EMAIL – salarysacrifice@tchleasing.co.uk
GENERAL TELEPHONE – 0114 257 4200 and choose the option you require
TCH ASSIST – 0333 800 1451